by David S. Craig
Relevant… Powerful… Drama. A timely and essential exploration of a drug for which we have laws but no values…
Concrete is thrilled to bring back their most popular teen production to Junior/Senior Highs once again. Last seen in Alberta in 2008, Smokescreen is a riveting exploration of adolescent drug culture and the clash of values between Trent, a charismatic high school student and the adults in his life over the damaging impact of his marijuana use and abuse.
We absolutely loved Smokescreen! It was well written and presented. The kids enjoyed it and our administrators were impressed. Please keep me informed of your new productions coming out, because this one was great!
Theresa Laville, St. Basil/Jean Forest Leadership Academy
Directed by Mieko Ouchi
Stage Managed by Dawn Friesen
Ntara Curry
Mathew Hulshof
Troy O’Donnell
Production Design by David Fraser
Sound Design by Dave Clarke
Photography by Epic Photography
Addictions: drug abuse, dependency and dealing, decision-making and influences, societal values, personal values. Communication: with friends, with family, emotions.
Interested in theatre in schools?