Gr. 7-12

Anti-Racism and Change
Jr/Sr High

A thought-provoking experience for youth sparking creative discussion and action against racism.

(Looking for ARC for Div. II? Click here)

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

Contact us today to secure your spot for the 2024/25 season

Originally created in partnership with the Centre for Race and Culture, ARC is a highly engaging anti-racism program for youth. ARC incorporates age-appropriate, specifically-commissioned short films followed by in-depth discussion and a theatrical workshop exploring the themes in the films.

This program lays the foundation for children and youth to discover their capacity for compassion and understanding. Studies have shown that promoting early cultural literacy in children has a myriad of benefits, both towards a child’s empathy and in other academic aspects.

“There’s considerable evidence that cultural socialization is linked positively with mental health and academic outcomes.”
Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 82, No. 1, 2020

The path towards equity is a lifelong journey. ARC: Anti-Racism and Change utilizes the performing and creative arts as an educational tool to animate discussion around anti-racism and racial equity. This gives youth a jumping-off-point to continue navigating their world in respectful, culturally-sensitive ways.

“ARC engaged the students in ways that connect to them personally (dealing with racism), but also with how they treat others – newcomers, or people with different accents. ARC has started a conversation that I hope will continue to grow – ideally into change.”
A. Christie, Princess Alexandra School, Saskatoon SK

ARC Trailer – JR/SR High Videos


DUNYA AND FAROOK by Makram Ayache:

Dunya only knows a life on the go until her family arrives in Canada after escaping the Syrian Civil War.

Dunya doesn’t speak English. But if she could, she would tell you all about her adventures with Farook, her best friend back in the Middle East (oh…who also happens to be a Djinni).


In Beneath the Mask, a YouTuber with conspiracy theories believes a masked killer is on the loose. Unfortunately, his suspicions are confirmed when the alleged killer shows up at his doorstep and he must flee for his life.

HOODIES by Michelle Todd

Two siblings discuss the unwritten rules of being Black and navigating their world… an exploration of things taken for granted outside of a BIPOC lens.

Read about Michelle’s experience that informed the writing of HOODIES here:


Films directed by Corben Kushneryk
Workshops created by Tracy Carroll and Anti-Racism Facilitators Sahar Charradi and Leslie Obol


  • Ethics: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ethical implications of issues.
    2. Examine evidence and consider alternatives before making a decision.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of the consequences of one’s actions.
    4. Express confidence in their own critical and creative thinking regarding ethical decision making.
  • Health and Life Skills: enable students to make well-informed, healthy choices and to develop behaviours that contribute to the well-being of self and others.
  • Language Arts: Analyze choices and motives of characters.
  • CALM: apply an understanding of the emotional/psychological, intellectual, social, spiritual and physical dimensions of health— and the dynamic interplay of these factors—in managing personal wellbeing.
  • Fine Arts – Drama: To acquire knowledge of self and others through participation in and reflection on dramatic experience.

Interested in theatre in schools?